Why Running Erins?

Running Erins (pronounced as ‘Running Errands’) is a lifestyle blog with a focus on beauty, food, and travel.

When I decided to rebrand I knew I needed something that would encompass a variety of my favorite things. I spent weeks trying to think of a new name because I wanted something with value. I also knew that I couldn’t just use my name as it is extremely common. The light bulb went off when I was talking to someone about all the things I needed to do and said “Erin needs to run errands.” It was so perfect to me because I’m always on the go and I’m always up for adventure.

I started poking around with the idea and asking people about their errands without telling them exactly why I was asking. I wanted to see what they usually included to make sure my idea wasn’t too far fetched. And sure enough I received tons of answer. The funniest one had to come from a friend who met Vice President Joe Biden on an airplane. She is an author and CEO of her own brand so she is always on the run. When she was telling the story, she mentioned how her wig wasn’t on and she wasn’t prepared but she made it her business to get her book in his hand no matter what. And she succeeded! As she was telling this story, I said to myself “This is it. This is what I want to portray.”

Women are set to be the caretakers. We are the minority yet we hold the buying power. And if you look more closely at women of color, we are the trendsetters. Yet we are so left behind. Brands would rather look to steal ideas from us than to actually ask us our opinions. We’re leading the movement for entrepreneurship but it’s all built off of what we create for ourselves. We have to create the brands, create the products, and create the lanes. Doing all the work and running all the errands with little recognition. Not anymore.

As I use this blog to make my dreams a reality, I hope it also inspires someone else to take a leap of faith towards theirs. A mustard seed of faith is all you need. And along the way I hope more and more women turn their passions into sources of income. And running errands into their lifestyle of making things happen for themselves.






  • DeAndrea Martin

    As I was reading your post, I thought it would be cool if you created a mission statement. A sentence about what your blog is about and what you want your audience to gain. It would be such an amazing way for readers to remember what you stand for

    I actually don’t know why I did not come up with that idea for my own blog. Be right back lol. I have work to do.

    • Erin

      Hi DeAndrea!
      I actually do have a mission statement but it’s only on my media kit. I have a tagline as well 🙂

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